The staff of cyclic commission:
Head of cyclic commission
Pedagogical interests: Applying of the basic types of control of student success and their improvement by using information technology in studying of "Mathematics", "Computers and CT"
Pedagogic stuff:
Pedagogical interests: Using of information and communication technologies in the educational process in teaching of "Programming"
Pedagogical interests: Using distance learning tools as one of the methods of teacher training
Pedagogical interests: Applying of the basic types of control of students' progress and their improvement by using information technology in studying of "Mathematics", "Computers and CT"
Pedagogical interests: Creation of multimedia educational resources in mathematics and informatics
Pedagogical interests: Organization of the test control of knowledge in modern teaching technologies in studying of "Theory of probability and higher mathematics"
Pedagogical interests: Innovative technologies in teaching of "Informatics"
Pedagogical interests: Optimal combination of methods and principles of studying during the teaching of “Astronomy”
Pedagogical interests: Methodical recommendations on the role of the teacher in raising the level of educational achievements in mathematics
Pedagogical interests: Cloud technologies of education, organization of distance learning of students. Introduction of 3D printing technology
Pedagogical interests: Innovative methods of teaching physics
Pedagogical interests: Using of information and communication technologies in the study of special disciplines
Pedagogical interests: Ways of improving the quality of education in physics