20 Akademichna St., Berezhany, Ternopil region, Ukraine, 47501


Deputy director of educational work

Candidate of Pedagogy

Ulyana DUDKA


  Adress: 20 Academichna st., Berezhany, Ternopil region, Ukraine, 47501
  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  Tel: (03548) 2-40-90




The educational process is a system of organizing teaching and educational activities, which is based on the organic unity and relationship of teaching (teacher's activity) and learning (student's activity), aimed at achieving learning goals, developing the student's personality, and his or her preparation for professional activity.

Studying in the SS NUBiP of Ukraine "Berezhany Agrotechnical College" is full-time (obtaining a certain degree of out-of-service education) and part-time (obtaining a certain degree of in-service education and provides, as a rule, two laboratory and examination sessions, the duration of which is regulated by the Law Of Ukraine "On Vacations" for a period of 30-40 calendar days, and the intersessional period is regulated by the individual capabilities and the ability of the student to independently process the individual plan).

The content of education is a scientifically grounded system of didactic and methodologically formed educational material for various educational programs.

The educational and professional program contains a list of normative academic subjects indicating the total amount of time (in hours) for classroom studies and individual work of students, which is allocated for their study, and the forms of summative assessment for each academic discipline.

The structural and logical scheme of training determines the scientific and methodological structuring of the process of implementing the educational and professional program.

The curriculum is the main normative document (standard) of an educational institution, it is drawn up on the basis of an educational and professional program and a structural and logical scheme for training specialists and determines the organization of their educational activity.

Individual work of the student is an individual student’s learning activity, which is planned by the scientific and pedagogical worker together with the student, but it is performed by the student according to the tasks and under the methodological guidance and supervision of the scientific and pedagogical worker without his or her direct participation.

Practical training of students is a compulsory component of the educational program for obtaining a specialty with the aim of acquiring professional skills and abilities by the student.

Examinations are performed to assess the knowledge of students in academic subjects, their ability to creatively use the obtained knowledge to solve practical problems of a professional direction.

Credits are a form of checking the laboratory and practical work, the assimilation of educational material by students of individual parts of academic subjects, the implementation and defense of course papers, do educational and industrial training.

Teaching hours are determined by the number of time units allocated for the implementation of the training program.

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