The staff of cyclic commission:
Head of cyclic commission
Pedagogical interests: Aesthetic education of students on the creation works of Ukrainian writers
Pedagogic stuff:
Pedagogical interests: Improving of the efficiency of classes in foreign literature and the Ukrainian language by means of integrated studying and interactive work of students
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests: Pedagogical teaching experience. Forms and methods of educational work in the world literature classes
Pedagogical interests: Education of the person in the Ukrainian language classes
Pedagogical interests: Education of a creative person capable of mastering all the linguistic ways in different speech situations
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests: : Personally-oriented approach to the study of the German language
Pedagogical interests: Interactive methods of teaching a foreign language with the use of innovative technologies
Pedagogical interests: Interactive teaching methods in English lessons
Pedagogical interests: Formation of the legal culture of students in the process of studying juridical disciplines
Pedagogical interests: Competency approach in modern education;
Pedagogical interests: Education of the person in the foreign language classes
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests:Taking into account the individual-psychological and age-specific features of students in the process of teaching "Cultural Studies"
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests:
Pedagogical interests:
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